Diverse group of colleagues in a meeting.

Diversity and flexibility: a winning combination

Author: Recruiter On Demand

Promoting diversity has countless benefits – from helping you recruit the best talent to delivering innovative solutions and making smarter decisions. Offering a flexible way of working will help you secure that diverse workforce, meaning you and your employees can reap the rewards.

Promote diversity to widen your talent pool

“If you believe, as we believe, that diversity leads to better products, and we’re all about making products that enrich people’s lives, then you obviously put a ton of energy behind diversity the same way you would put a ton of energy behind anything else that is truly important.” – Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

A commitment to inclusion and diversity will help to widen your talent pool. But you need to let candidates know about it at every step of the recruitment process. From LinkedIn job adverts through to onboarding collateral, your employer branding needs to clearly communicate exactly how your organisation is inclusive and diverse – and it needs to be genuine. Candidates can sniff out insincerity from a mile away.

Championing diversity is also great for staff retention. Diverse teams are more likely to have greater job satisfaction and be more committed to your company. This in turn can boost your brand’s reputation as a great employer.

Flexibility is a win for business…

A commitment to flexible working will only increase your talent pool even more. Designing jobs flexibly and thinking about work differently means you can attract people. For example, more diverse locations and different life stages.  

That flexibility can come in many forms – homeworking, hybrid working, part-time working and job shares to name a few. Identify what suits your company best, and promote it to potential candidates.

“In the right roles and with the right people, flex does offer tremendous productivity improvement. It gives people time to process properly, and it gets them out of the office in terms of being bogged down in day-to-day admin. So there is more thought leadership that comes to the table, and that’s where your creativity and innovation come in.” Osman Khan, Co-Founder and CEO of Paddle8

…and it’s what candidates want

According to a survey by PrOPEL and Strathclyde Business School, 82% of employees desire greater flexibility to improve their work-life balance (that’s up from 65% pre-pandemic), and 48% believe more flexibility would benefit their well-being. This is supported by research from Aviva which found that 39% of employees want the benefit of flexible working.

Offering flexibility is a clear demonstration of your commitment to employee wellbeing, in that you’ll support each individual to work in the way that is right for them. It shows that you want them to succeed. 

Get in touch

Recruiter on Demand TAs work seamlessly as part of your in-house team. That means we live and breathe your company’s culture and are best placed to promote your diversity and flexibility to candidates.